Children’s Play Area Clean and Tidy again!

What a lot has been achieved over the past 2 days!! Here’s the journey so far….
bigger photos can been viewed on our Facebook page!

Starting at the front of the Church Centre, the front paved area of the centre has been jet washed and re-sanded, along with the choir vestry steps and the drainage channel nearby, which was full to the brim, has been cleared out. Lots of moss has been removed from the gravel drive.

Moving into the courtyard the wooden benches and tables have been cleaned and treated with a lovely wood protector. The gate and paving have been jet washed and the mud kitchens have been spruced up and are back out and ready to be used again.

The garden bed between the courtyard and the play area has been prepared for the next stage and will eventually be a beautiful sensory garden in memory of our beloved Julie Limbert.

Moving along, the guttering has been cleared out over the kitchen door which was completely full of mud and growing greenery. The play area, equipment and paths have all been jet washed and now look sparkly and welcoming for the children who use it.

Towards the back of the area where the childminders shed is located, all the leaves and debris have been removed, ensuring easy access for Ethel and her team. The 3 bins have been washed out for good measure and some repairs to the structure of the back gate have been made. Also, someone may have been shoulder deep in the drain due to a blockage!!

Now moving through the back gate and into the car park, the vicarage green waste bin has been emptied which contained lots of yucky randomly dumped food rubbish and rocks, cleaned and returned to the Vicarage (not a very pleasant job, thank you Jon!).

The rock pile left over from the garden works in the vicarage garden will soon be moved by the cubs and they will be planting up an area in the car park with wild flowers which will help them work towards one of their badges at the same time.

And just around the corner the Eco Church nesting bird box has been attached to the appropriately facing wall of the church centre.

Oh and we might have enjoyed lots of tea, coffee and bacon baps along the way!!

Still a few more jobs to be done but for now some pictures in no particular order!

Thank you to the dream team – Jon, Wendy, Sally, Dave, Sharon, Finn, Rob, Karen, Izzy, Jez and Karen.