Table of Contents
- Name
- Objects
- Membership
- Guest
- Committee
- Entrance Fee and Subscriptions
- Annual General Meeting
- Special General Meeting
- Quorum
- Club Employees
- Alteration of Rules
- Bye-Laws
1. The club shall be called “All Saints’ Church Centre Club.”
2. The objects of the club shall be: –
(a) To foster the spirit of community in all aspects within the Parish of All Saints, Four Oaks.
(b) The provision of premises and facilities to aid and further the social and recreational activities of its members.
(c) Generally to aid and further the social recreational and occupational activities of members of the community.
3.(a) The Club shall consist of ordinary members.
The Centre Committee, (referred to here after as the Committee), shall have power to elect temporary members on such terms and at such subscriptions as they may determine.
(b) Every candidate for membership shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another. All applications for membership shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the candidate and the proposers and the election shall be in the discretion of the Committee whose decision shall be final. No person may be admitted to membership of the Club without an interval of at least two days elapsing between their nomination or application and their admission. Persons becoming members without prior nomination or application cannot be admitted to the privileges of membership without an interval of at least two days between their becoming members and their admission.
(c) A member desiring to resign from the Club must give notice in writing to the Secretary on or before the 31st December in any year, otherwise the subscription for the ensuing year shall be payable.
(d) The Committee shall have the power to expel any member who shall offend against the rules of the Club or whose conduct shall in the opinion of the Committee render him / her unfit for membership of the Club. Before any such member is expelled the Secretary shall give the member seven days written notice to attend a meeting of the Committee and shall inform him / her of the complaints made against him / her. No member shall be expelled without first having an opportunity of appearing before the Committee and answering complaints made against him /her unless at least two-thirds of the Committee then present vote in favour of his / her expulsion
4. Any member shall be entitled to introduce guests to the Club provided that no person whose application for membership has been declined or who has been expelled from the Club shall be introduced as a guest. The member introducing the guest shall enter the name of the guest together with his/her own name in a book which shall be kept at the club premises.
5.(a) The affairs of the Club shall be managed by the Committee appointed by the Parochial Church Council. The Committee will be made up of the Chairman, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Vicar, two members of the PCC, two non-PCC members, and one Warden.
(b) The Committee shall have power at any time to fill any casual vacancy among the officers and board. Any officer or member of the Committee so appointed shall hold office only until the next following Annual General Meeting but shall then be eligible for re-election.
(c) The Committee may appoint one or more Sub-Committees for such purposes as it may deem appropriate.
(d) The Centre Committee Standing Committee shall be made up of the Chairman, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Vicar and one Warden.
Entrance Fee and Subscriptions
6.(a) The entrance fee (if any) and annual subscription shall be such sum as the Committee may from time to time determine.
(b) The entrance fee (if any) and the annual subscription shall be payable on election and thereafter without demand on the 1st January in every year, and no candidate who has been elected a member shall be entitled to the privileges of membership until payment of the entrance fee and the first annual subscription.
(c) The Committee may terminate the membership of any member whose annual subscription remains unpaid on the 31st March.
Annual General Meeting
7. An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held not later than 31st March to transact the following business: –
(a) To receive and, if approved, to adopt a statement of the Club’s accounts to the end of the preceding year;
(b) To receive any duly approved alteration of the rules;
(c) To deal with any special matter which the Committee desire to bring before the members and to receive suggestions from members for consideration by the Board
(d) Notice convening the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to the members not less than fourteen days before the Meeting and shall specify the matters to be dealt with.
Special General Meeting
8. A Special General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Committee or any member supported in writing and signed by not less than 20 members and specifying the object of the meeting. Twenty-one days notice shall be given in writing of such meeting specifying the matters for consideration.
9. At Committee Meetings five shall form a quorum. At General and Special meetings seven shall form a quorum. Temporary members may attend general meetings, but they shall not be entitled to vote, and they shall not be counted as part of the necessary quorum.
Club Employees
10. The Club employees shall be under the orders of the Committee only, and no member shall reprimand a Club employee. If a member has any cause for complaint he/she shall bring the same before the Committee in writing.
Alteration of Rules
11. The Committee shall have the power to alter these rules, with the approval of the Parochial Church Council.
12. The Committee shall have the power to make bye-laws for regulating the conduct and affairs of the club provided the same are not inconsistent with these rules. Such bye-laws shall be posted in some conspicuous part of the Club premises and shall be binding on all members.